Certifications and
list of publications

Dr. Jayesh Rahalkar has an unparalleled knowledge about the orthodontic field, which continues to prove invaluable when evaluating and treating orthodontic patients. His diligence is reflected through his unique but outstanding academic record.

His diverse set of publications provide engaging content and allow professionals to find a great way to stay up-to-date and get proven inputs on how to be a better orthodontist. They have contributed towards the latest breakthroughs in orthodontic research and practical tips for improving clinical practice.


S.No Title of the Articles Journal Details
1 Mean values of Steiner, Tweed, Ricketts and
McNamara analysis in Maratha ethnic population:
A Cephalometric study.
APOS Trends in Orthodontics 3(5), 137, 2013
2 Force deflection comparison of various heat activated
superelastic nickel-titanium archwires :
An in-vitro study.
APOS Trends in Orthodontics 4(#0, 60, 2014
3 Evaluation of Clinical Effectiveness of Churro
Jumper Appliance in the treatment of Skeletal Class
II Malocclusion with retrognathic mandible.
Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 47(2),68-74, 2013
4 Comparison of canine retraction using single and
Siamese edgewise brackets: An in vivo Study
APOS Trends in Orthodontics. 2013;3(4):91-98
5 Evaluation of Maxillary Interpremolar, Molar width
by DRNA indices and arch dimension, arch form in Maratha Population.
Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society.2013;47(4):461-467
6 Early Intervention in Skeletal Class II and Dental
Class II division I malocclusion.
APOS Trends in Orthodontics. 2013;3(4):121-127
7 Treatment of Class III malocclusion in a young adult with reverse pull face mask. Journal of Orthodontic Research2015;3(1):70-75
8 Scheduling and time management in orthodontic offices. Seminars in Orthodontics. 22(4), 275-279, 2016
9 Reliability of biological marker, insulin like growth
factor-1 (IGF-1) as an indicator in assessing skeletal
maturity using blood sample by ELISA technique.
Journal of Advanced Medical and
Dental Sciences Research 7(1) 104-112, 2019
10 Comparison between Still photography and videography for smile analysis APOS Trends In Orthodontics 2017; 7(3):135-144
11 Skeletal and dentoalveolar effects produced by
reverse twin block appliance in Class III
malocclusion in growing patients – A systematic review.
Sch. J. App. Med. Sci. 2017;5(9C):3654-3661.
12 Mean values of Beta Angle and YEN Angle in
Maratha ethnic population and their reliability on
select local population: A cephalometric observational study.
International Journal of Oral Health
Dentistry 3(1), 43-49, 2017
13 Effectiveness of sodium fluoride after brushing with
fluoride toothpaste for the prevention of white spots
on teeth during fixed orthodontic treatment – a systematic review.
JOOO 2017;3(3):136-138
14 Histological Evaluation of Root Repair after Damage
due to Intentional Contact with Orthodontic Micro-Screw Implants: An in vivo Study.
Journal of clinical and diagnostic research. 2018;12(2):ZC01-ZC04
15 Evaluation of changes in Maxillary Arch
Dimensions, Posterior Transverse Inter Arch
Discrepancy, Upper and Lower incisor inclination in
patients with and without adeno/tonsillectomy.
International Dental Journal of Student Research. 2018 Vol.5 Issue. 4
16 Relationship between extended head posture and malocclusion. Indian Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Research, January-March,
17 Interventions for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement: A systematic review. Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society 52(4), 265,2018
18 Effectiveness of cone beam computed tomography of
maxillary canine as compared to traditional radiographs:a systemic review update-
International journal of scientific research 2018
19 Establishment of norms for crown angulation and
inclination among Maratha population: Cross Sectional Study.
International Dental Journal of Students
Research 5, 66-72, 2017
20 Effect of Saliva and Desensitizing agent on Shear
bond strength of Metal and Ceramic brackets using
self etching primer (An in vitro study).
Indian Journal of Contemporary Dentistry
3(1), 127-133, 2015
21 Comparative evaluation of soft tissue chin thickness
in skeletal Class I and Class II adults with three
mandibular Divergence – A Cephalometric Study.
Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental
Science Research 2019;7(2):33-40
22 Different Population – Different Analysis – A
Cephalometric Study.
International Journal of Contemporary
Medical Research 2015;2(3):553-557
23 Comparative evaluation of transverse
discrepancies in different sagittal malocclusions
– An observational study.
Indian Journal of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Research, Vol 4 Issue 1
(January-March 2018)
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